we got minus tree celsius today

Дмитрий Саврацкий
we got minus tree celsius today, not so pleasant,so i didnt swimmed in alake as yesterday and beforeyesterday:), just because i was not at work today, finally the day of rest
Today I heared a kind of proverb from my friend about me: There a few constant things in a life, first: the sun is rising and sets sown every day, and the second:,Dima doesnt work::) So, it is an opinion of my friends about me, which is not far from True, so... he and me, we alll surprised , that I m finally vworking oficially one month now...
today I was teaching this guy's (who used this proverb) son
So, earned some little monay, and Ive got a few sips of beer, and pasta

вчерашний день 17 03 18