So let s be ourselves!

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    Year of 3033. Neurobiotic recognition system turned into a core for the new world order. Primary archetypes have been strengthened as a necessary condition for regulations of almost all relations in the society, but later officially abolished. However, the corporate sector continued to use the system in order to obtain the most efficient team able to create a product which is large enough, or, conversely, focused only on a particular archetype. To this end, qualification, sometimes has been even reduced to a balance between the basic "male" and "female", by trying to get a product that allows you to meet a relatively wide, but not too demanding audience. They surely have not forget at the same time about another basic groups such as the left-sided and right-sided neouro-oriented persons (left-handers and right-handers) ... Whatsoever, during development period manufacturers could not pay attendtion to the creation of a similar balance in the team, which is create a product ... And of coarse they are usully use to ignore connect archetypal orientation of conscious-emotional and respectively emotionally-conscious directions, conditionally nicknamed by naturalist who have discovered and made system publical, as a "conformal" and "non-conformal" ... In spite of this, the manufacturer can continue to indicate on the label something that use to be some sort of sign of quality - a notice that use to say «the product was created in view of balancing and fits to all archetypes». Of course, it was often only advertising trick, in the manner of a lack of cholesterol in sunflower oil, because most of the "grass-roots" products did not need such label. I mean, who cares about how much balanced team created a robot-packer for conveyor which is packing briquettes with tofu? Of course, it could help in the selection of the operator, who would monitor the packer, but  is it was so necessary to inform about it the end user? I would say - no, although the system is there for all living things and even seemingly inanimate, not to mention the plants and, of course, pets, archetypes which are also use to be fashionable to choose according to archetypes of they hosts.
 The system also prevented the creation of marriages with no corresponding archetypes of spouses. However, after accusations of homophobia and racism, qualification was lowered and at the same time raised to the absolute personalization. Interracial and same-sex marriages has been left alone, but having the offspring was allowed at first only for those who have a basic archetypal line conformity… And when almost all the inhabitants of the so-called civilized world was included in the system, only the owners of full compliance (not by only archetype but personal ("mirror" twins)) use to be allowed to have children ... Personal life and relationships, thus, were taken out of the brackets, despite the fact that the system allows you to find a potentially neurologically complete and "mirror" twin. Simply put, the system could find the so called «half» of each man, which was the fantasy of all dreaming and romantic persons, with  only one difference - all this could work only in a perfect world where everyone is completed genius, who is absolutely fully using his potential. In practice, a person could, under certain conditions, even looks like his "half" as a reflection in the mirror, only with opposite sex, and with a single neuro-situation (reflection in a mirror, in fact, shows the left-hander to a right-hander and vice versa, but more than that in reality such individual has no capable of life because, for example, in you are right-handed mirror shows you the body of the left-hander, but the head of the right-handed, or vice versa ...) So the similarity of so called neuro-twins was only morphological and neurophysiological and genetically it was a some sort of «twins» of the opposite sex, who has been born from completely different parents ... Accordingly, system could find that each person had seven of such twins, not to counting himself. That is, four by four boys and girls,who was also lefties and righties and half of which, in turn, had a consciously emotional and respectively opposite - emotionally conscious directions. Receive and revealed by such method «twins» use to start to treat to each other as to a relatives, but the disparity in social status and personal preferences often lead to serious conflicts. Which resulted in the ratification of the right to anonymity, in the manner of establishing a program of sperm donation… Anonymity from not only of belonging to the "circle" and belonging to one of the sixteen archetypes, which basic number was doubled by adding and identify of pro-orientation. Wherein, calculate your own basic archetype was a relatively simple task, as in most cases, someone else as well ... All you had to do is look closely to your own photos to find the corresponding morphology markers or just look into the mirror by using correct reversion algorythm. With another person case could be more complicated, because even the «luminary» who has discovered the archetypes, according to his biographers, was living with a person, without  suspecting that he is fully consistent to her not only as a person with similar philosophical and aesthetic outlook, but also the one who represent to him the same archetypal twin-ideal. It turned that she is the owner of the emotional and conscious direction, whereas he is the opposite. However, according to his biographers, even after more than seven years of cohabitation and the close contact he had not noticed that, and he use to considered that the mere division into archetypes is conditional as division of sex... As they liked to say in those days in his land "the main thing – that should be a good man." He, by the way, was a very harsh misanthrope, and find humankind as something awful, that should have a quick death in his prediction… So  he do not particularly care about  salvation of humanity by popularizing his own art, and, later, as it turned out, and quite scientific revelations. He was almost absolutely sure, that the main thing - it's self-expression for the sake of self-expression rather than building relationships with the community and, especially, with the audience… Although he has been established somehow ... However, his method could be lost, if not the opening of the following years, which is fully confirms his hypothesis. Which he, however, are not considered as hypothesis, because by using that, as we can say, antiquated method of self-identification, the archetype could be determined even in his times, without having special skills and a highly sensitive equipment, just by following a textbook compiled by him ... But in spite of that, proposed method was ignored even mushrooms like growing dating sites. However it bit scared the government services, because was look like a system of identification of individuals which they use to develop by themselves. Although some users from self-created by author resource found a way to even amuse themselves and learned to calculate their archetype, but a serious response was not found. The description in those times was crooked, and written on broken English, while the author was a native, ranked sixth honor of the land, country under the name of Russia ...

   The method was simple, given the fact that sex and neurological situation (left-handed / right-handed), each adequate person can determine without hints. However, difficulties arise precisely with neuro-situation... Most people did not really understand the difference between the left-hander from the right-handed, apart from the obvious features of ownership limbs. Lefties attributed to the fact that now, it is clear, does not depend on their neuro-situation as well as the archetype: some special creativity or, conversely, a technical rather than artistic talent and etc. The method which was described by our naturalist, swept aside all those superstitions, but could open to you an understanding of your neuro-orientation without  confusing it with neuro-situation… Although it was not very transparent . I mean the description of the method was quite tolerable, but rationale has appeared little bit poor in the English version and, on the contrary, in fact unreadable in the original large text, which was oddly enough, but also has even more spelling, stylistic and other errors and typos, which use to make obscure already difficult for reading opus. The audience was mostly attracted only by beginning, which is describing a striking contrast of the psychology and neurology of women and men by using as an example the structure of the genital organs. After that text start using technical and obscure for the contemporaries calculations with monstrous, as was said earlier, tapoze – moreover, what could be qualified as the language of the birds, which is even now cannot be fully understood by all experts. Yet, the research team which found and detect these manuscripts was able to prove by using modern tech of virtually complete compliance of those ancient texts with the current understanding of human nature and the universe ... Which resulted in some of cult of this outstanding individual for his era, who is, however, was in sure, that everyone soon or eventually will become like him.  And what it is, perhaps, the only thing he was wrong about it, despite his escapism and said misanthropy ...

  Today, I, by being in all senses of his descendant, can safely say – his testimony is not fundamentally improved the situation, if not make it worse ... And although that definition of your archetype through his method even in his time was easy procedure almost for everyone, even now, with the full automation of the process and exclusion primary defects of scanners, not everyone care for it. Not far off the abolition of ban on the reproduction of individuals with lack of full personal archetypal reflection ("mirror" twins). Plus, supporters of same-sex marriages are trying to cancel the restriction for the adoption for pairs with the same emotional and conscious direction. Often with out understanding, what they are have the opposite neurological oriented archetypes, just like a pioneer of that technology himself along with his beautiful half ...
  However if you want to define not only your base archetype, but also your "physicist" or "lyrics" orientation of your mind – it will require more complicated procedures ... but by knowing your archetype you will be able to create a prism of perception of others more correctly or far more likely. But most importantly - you will be able to understand yourself much better, because you can not change the archetype, as opposed to the character or partner. Although now you can already hear some talks about changing neuro direction in the manner of sex change, but exactly like with the last, and even more, the results are unlikely to be able to remain absolutely authentic. And after all, archetypal orientation can only told you that it is just what you guided almost in unconscious level… first – you want everything goes logically, and then you want to get the emotional response from that (if you are the owner of the same direction as i do – the emotional ...oh no, I'm sorry, consciously emotional ...), or at first you want to put some emotion, and then get the logical consummation from creation or invention ... And women's way of thinking from the male perception are different only in that the first step from the figurative state to the abstract, and the second on the contrary – from the essence of a community ... Why try to change it under the influence of the far-fetched and outdated gender schemes? Left-handers, in the end, stopped torturing and relearn themselves, which showed, after the general census revealed, their real number, which is in some lands, even higher than sum of the others... Why trying to change your status obtained from birth for ghostly preferences, rather than to understand its essence and enjoy the benefits that it gives? Be yourself not mean to repaint the hair or shave up your name on the back of the head ... For that you need something more complex and simpler at the same time - just be engaged in something that others would not do in the way that you would or would not do at all…What only you would or could create that, while knowing that you better in this for anyone including yourself! We - this is what we create, rather than what as we think, we present ... So let's be ourselves ...