Ливийские хроники. 15 июля 2014

Николай Сологубовский
ЛИВИЙСКИЕ ХРОНИКИ. 15 июля 2014.

Ливия. Опять бои в столице.
В ночь на 15 июля аэропорт Триполи  вновь подвергся ракетному обстрелу
Экстремисты Аль-Каиды  выпустили по международному аэропорту, который защищают бойцы формирований Зинтана,  двадцать ракет системы залпового огня.
Видео боев здесь:

В столице Ливии  Триполи, в районе аэропорта продолжаются бои  между бойцами из города Зинтан, которые контролируют транспортный узел, и экстремистами Аль-Каиды. Есть убитые и раненые.
Власти  в Триполи делают вид, что пытаются  навести порядок в столице. Представитель   «кабинета министров», как 14 июля сообщает ЕВРОНЬЮС,  сделал следующее заявление:
“Правительство требует, чтобы участники столкновений немедленно прекратили военные действия и другие акты агрессии. Лидеры группировок, принимающих участие в противостоянии, ответят перед законом за использование оружия и гибель людей. Правительство поручило министерству внутренних дел и армии обеспечить безопасность на улицах столицы и в ее пригородах, а также безопасность стратегических объектов. На чрезвычайный режим работы переходят учреждения здравоохранения.”
Ответственность за нападение на аэропорт взял на себя террористический  “Оперативный штаб ливийских революционеров”, одна из самых экстремистских организаций, виновная в гибели сотен ливийских граждан.
Напомним, что после  войны  против ливийской армии альянса НАТО, который  поддержал бомбежками  и войсками террористов, взорвавших Ливийскую Джамахирию в 2011 году,   Ливия фактически поделена на территории воюющих между собой группировок.
 Власть в Триполи  до сих пор не в состоянии контролировать ситуацию не только  в стране, но и в самой столице.
В ряде районов Ливии вновь поднят зеленый флаг Джамахирии.  Бойцы Сопротивления продолжают сражаться за полное освобождение страны от экстремистов и террористов Аль-Каиды.
Е.Л. Из Туниса, 14 июля

О развитии ситуации в Ливии
По поступающей информации, в различных районах Ливии продолжаются боевые действия, в т.ч. с применением тяжелых видов вооружений.
С 13 июля близ международного аэропорта города Триполи происходят вооруженные столкновения между противоборствующими военизированными группировками, в ходе которых уже погибло не менее 5 человек, порядка 25 человек получили ранения. По этой причине столичный аэропорт был закрыт на несколько дней. В городах Бенгази и Дерна на востоке Ливии зафиксированы новые убийства и похищения военных и сотрудников правоохранительных органов, а также проведена серия терактов в отношении гражданских объектов. На этом фоне в Бенгази продолжается военная операция с использованием авиации и артиллерии, которую проводит «Национальная армия Ливии» под командованием генерала Х.Хафтара.
В Москве вызывает тревогу сохраняющаяся напряженная ситуация в Ливии. Эскалация насилия существенно затрудняет усилия, направленные на организацию всеобъемлющего национального диалога. Затягивается оглашение окончательных результатов выборов в новый временный законодательный орган страны – Палату депутатов, которое было перенесено на 20 июля с.г.
Призываем ливийские политические силы проявлять сдержанность и благоразумие при урегулировании возникающих конфликтных ситуаций. Убеждены, что любые спорные вопросы национальной повестки дня могут быть решены политическими методами без применения насилия на основе взаимных компромиссов с учетом интересов всех ливийцев и необходимости соблюдения суверенитета и территориальной целостности Ливии.
14 июля 2014

14 июля 2014

35 Syrian Islamic radical jihadists were arrested today trying to sneak into Libya in the back of a large truck being driven by a Libyan national. This group was arrested on the Libyan - Algerian border near the city of Kapaau by the security forces of the city of Kapaau. These 35 illegal aliens and their driver are being held in jail in Kapaau as criminals all involved in illegal smuggling activities.
These jihadists from Syria are being smuggled into to Libya to fight against any legitimate government or security forces that are working to protect and free Libya from the radical Islamic groups that now terrorize the Libyan country.
Information supplied by the great tribes of Libya.

10 июля 2014.
Algerian – talking about a security report, a detailed analysis of the security situation surrounding areas in Libya, and the risks that lie in wait for in Algeria and the Maghreb region.
In general, on the short to medium term, according to what was nominated from the information of that report, the possibility of control currents Islamic jihadist, all power and authority in the Libyan land Ultra after the announcement of the so-called State of the caliphate in Iraq and Syria, and the allegiance of most terrorist organizations are active countries of the Maghreb and the Sahel, such as Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,  Ansar al-Sharia two branches of Libya and Tunisia, and the movement of Ansar Dine in northern Mali.
Pointed out the information, that the interests of the Algerian intelligence, has spotted several suspicious movements in the Libyan territory, the leaders of these terrorist organizations, especially after the return of a lot of fighters who were active in Syria, and the assumption Salafis for leadership positions in what is known as the state of the caliphate, Kwale Diyala, Abu Hafs al-Libi, and leaders in the organization Tunisia , Algeria, Libya, and these have their influence on the Salafi jihadists Maghreb region, not to mention the financial liquidity, which has become by these organizations, and the size and quality of weapons that are available to them, and outnumber the Maghreb in organizing Daash 6,000 fighters, mostly from Tunisia and Libya.
Let it be known that at the Metiga military airport everyday military planes land from Qatar, Turkey, UAE and Saudi Arabia with  arms and ammunition which is given to these Jihadists. Very soon photos will follow.

Комиссия ООН   не смогла выяснить обстоятельства гибели  Муаммара Каддафи
В докладе комиссии ООН по раследованиям военных преступлений и нарушений прав человека в Ливии утверждается, что Муаммар Каддафи и его сын Мотассим были  якобы захвачены бойцами из города Мисрата 20 октября 2011 года.
 Из официального документа: «Комиссия не способна подтвердить, что смерть Муаммара Каддафи является незаконным убийством, и просит позволить ей завершить расследование».
Невозможность дальнейшего расследования связана  с тем, что марионеточное правительство, которое к власти привел альянс НАТО на смену законного правительства Ливийской Джамахирии , отказалось предоставить комиссии результаты вскрытия тела погибшего ливийца или фотографии с места его смерти.

GADDAFI DOUBLE WAS KILLED and YouTube channels with much info on the Gaddafi death hoax

The man seen in the recent ‘Gaddafi capture videos’ is not Gaddafi.
The man in the videos is Ali Majid Al Andalus.
The person you were shown was not Muammar Al-Gaddafi
Originally pubished here
Post-script by Mathaba Libya News
According to reports reaching us, the person presented as Gaddafi, in the recent ‘capture’ videos, has been identified as Ali Majid Al Andalus.

Ali Majid Al Andalus was an inhabitant of Sirte and was famous for his resemblance to Gaddafi.
The man in the photo with the bullet hole in the head was not Muammar al Gaddafi, but his double.
The psychopathic criminals … used this innocent man solely for their psychological operation by having him lynched by armed thugs of the NTC before the cameras.
This served several purposes including tarnishing the image of Gaddafi on the one hand and smearing Islam on the other.
The reason that Jalil, Libya’s new leader, was quick to declare Sharia in Libya is to make Muslems look bad.
In reality it is these ‘druggie types’ hired by the secret services of NATO countries, who have nothing to do with Islam, who committed these crimes.
This is a war against Islam.
Mathaba Post-Script
We fully endorse the above article, originally published here.
From our own impeccable sources close to Gaddafi and his own circle, we published a denial that Mu’ammar Gaddafi was dead…
source: aangirfan.blogspot.gr
Rumours of Muammar Qaddafi Spread by NTC for Hillary Clinton
From: Mathaba
Rumours are circulating with once again European and American leaders misinforming the public, and the usual media culprits Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabia broadcasting the occupation NTC (National Terrorist Council) claim of the capture or death of Muammar Qaddafi.
Green Committees have confirmed that the leader is alive, and that the enemy is seeking to take advantage of his being currently out of communications. The aim is to please Hillary Clinton who barked at her Arab slaves that she wants Muammar Qaddafi “dead or alive.”
The analysts who are close to the Libyan leader have told Mathaba that the aim of the rumours is several fold. On the one hand, they wish to demoralize the Libyan resistance which has held out for over 7 months against the strongest terrorists and invading armies in the world. On the other hand, they wish to thus lure the Leader out to make a call in order to attempt to get a fix on his location.
The Secretary-General of the International People’s Conference Organization told Mathaba that there is also another aim in this strategy of Clinton and her minions, which is to attempt to perpetuate the myth that the NTC controls all of Libya and that the Jamahiriya is no more, because the NTC has made it clear they cannot declare a government unless they control the entire country.
NATO, the American-European armed forces, primarily cowardly Air Forces which have been bombing Libya non-stop since March this year, and special ground forces and foreign terrorists, have killed an estimated 60,000 Libyans thus far, but the Libyan Jamahiriya remains the only legitimate government because it rests squarely upon the Libyan people.
The IPCO Secretary-General said “Clinton wishes to lay her hands on the over 100 billion dollars of Libyan Jamahiriya assets which have been frozen. She cannot do so legally nor hand over any of those funds on any legal footing so long as the Jamahiriya continues to exist. And it does continue to exist, because it consists of over 6,000 basic people’s conferences.
“The fact that the basic people’s conferences could not convene at least twice a year as usual this year, has been because of the heavy NATO bombing and lack of security for the public to gather in their conference halls. However, in other countries around the world, elections take place only every 4, 5 or even 7 years, not several times a year as in the Jamahiriya, so the existing policies and legislation remain in force, as well as the existing authorities, until such time as the masses can convene again”, the Secretary-General said.
Mathaba Libya news editor said that NATO and Clinton are desperate to show a “victory” in Libya, by way of a compliant media, and the NTC is anxious to provide that “victory” for their masters, in order to secure further support. The NTC leaders and their factions are all fighting amongst each other, and are dissatisfied with the spoils, which so far have not been forthcoming due to the armed population putting up a fierce resistance, and the globalist bankers being unable to keep their promises to the Libyan traitors.
Libyans should continue their mass green demonstrations and resistance, and ignore all rumours, as it has been confirmed that Mu’ammar Qaddafi is alive and well and will not be in communications currently for security reasons. One of the main aims of Clinton has been to kill or capture Qaddafi, or otherwise force him to leave Libya, and none of those aims will be granted her.
source: mathaba.net/news/libya
News Service Aligned With Qaddafi Identifies Victim As Body Of Another
By Peter Duveen
A source says videos said to have been of Muammar Qaddafi’s torture and death were not of the Libyan leader, but of another Libyan.
PETER’S NEW YORK, Thursday, October 27, 2011–Muammar Qaddafi lives, and videos of a man being captured, cruelly tortured and murdered were not of the Libyan leader, but of a look-alike, the Mathaba news service reported today.
The man in the now-famous videos was identified in an article posted on the Mathabawebsite as Ali Majid Al Andalus, a resident of the Libyan city of Sirte, Qaddafi’s hometown.
“[T]the martyr humiliated and presented as Muammar Al-Gaddafi…has been identified as the real person actually called Ali Majid Al Andalus…”, said the article. The news service indicated the article was an English translation of an original posting on the French-language website stcom.net.
The article examines the features of Muammar Qaddafi compared to recently circulated photographs of a body that has been widely publicized as being that of Qaddafi.
“The man in the photo with the bullet hole in the head was not Muammar al Gaddafi, but his double,” said the article.
Describing itself as an independent news service, Mathaba.net has traditionally had close ties to the Libyan regime of Muammar Qaddafi, and actively espouses the principles contained in Qaddafi’s “Green Book,” a compendium of the Libyan leader’s teachings and reflections.
(Note: Peter’s New York cannot affirm the death of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qaddafi until verifiable authentic statements by close family members attest to the same, and/or until customary methods of identification, such as fingerprints, are used to verify the identity of the corpses, which were held for several days by NTC forces before alleged burial at an undisclosed location. Formal death certificates must also be presented for examination by the public. The international mass media has failed to demand such verification, which failure encourages the replication of abuses of the public trust and crimes against humanity.)
source: opednews.com
WOW! Truth about Gaddafi? Is this the real truth? MUST READ!!!!
link: abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread767633/pg1