The general theory of supramentality

Олег Старчен
(apologies for mistakes)  General theory of supramentality is based on the philosophies of Kant and Hegel (in particular, on Darwin's theory), as well as on modern science, on cosmology (theories of the Multiverse and "dark" objects), and genetic engineering. Zeazrosophy is a general theory of supramentality, because it shows the true infinity of levels of knowledge and cognitive abilities. In the future, will appear all the greater cognitive complexity, and  knowledge that is needed for true, the strongest super-intelligence, ie, new cognitive faculty of zeazrovneba. Later can be -Superzeazrovneba and further cognitive facultys, that will be in a specific, time-evolutionary way beyond of the usual abilities and knowledge . The general theory is the apotheosis of the supramental philosophy as a philosophy of success of human in universes.The general theory of supramentality can be briefly called as Zeazrosophy, because the first true super-intelligent cognitive function will be Zeazrovneba (zeazrenie). Zeazrosophy shows that each new ability will brings not mehanicistical knowledge, but is different from previous  quantumly. It is  Large difference between the mind and perception, and between mind and zeazrovneba difference will be even greater and qualitifical. It may seem that the presence of multiple levels of cognitive complexity and functions of cognition is too difficult for the universe, but otherwise would have been that the universe is simply too arranged.The presence of many of the functions of knowledge it is impossible for an ordinary usual brain, but it is quite possible for zeazromielon, this supramental brain will be adapted to the multi-knowledge. The general theory of supramentality is an expression of supramental trend of scientific progress to infinity, and brings his special theory of superintelligence to a logical outcome.         

 Elder (Starchen)  Copyright- Oleg Starchen

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