The real history of Russia. Sunghir

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The real history of Russia. Sunghir

 English Wikipedia in support of the real history of Russia.
(with slight refinements)

This outstanding archaeological monument - the pearl of the Paleolithic human history - now largely silenced in most countries. Or indicated very briefly. Without a major focus in its real meaning. Here is the text with an eye to Russian English Wikipedia.

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This version of the page, waiting for verification. The last confirmed version dated December 23, 2009.

Coordinates: 56 ° 10'33 "with. sh. 40 ° 30'33 "to. e. (G) (O)
This term there are other uses, see Sunghir (disambiguation).

Sunghir - Paleolithic sites of ancient man in the Vladimir region at the confluence of the eponymous creek into the river Klyazma, near Bogolubovo. Discovered in 1955 during construction of the plant and investigated ONBader. Estimated age of 25,000 years [1].
Paleolithic burial Sunghir.
A Burials
2 Facilities
3 Anthropological image
4 Bibliography
5 References
6 Notes


Sunghir become famous graves: 40-50-year-old man (called Sunghir-1) and teenagers: boys 12-14 years old (Sunghir-2) and a girl aged 9-10 years (Sunghir-3), which lay their heads together. Clothing adolescents was covered with beads made of mammoth bones (up to 10,000 pieces), which allowed to reconstruct their clothes (which turned out to look like a suit of modern Northern Peoples), in addition, the graves were bracelets and other jewelry of mammoth bones. In the tomb were placed made of mammoth bones as javelins and spears, including spear length 2,4 m. The graves were covered over with ocher.
Scheme Sunghir

The main occupation was hunting sungirtsev mammoths, reindeer, bison, horses, wolves and wolverines.
Anthropological look

Sungirtsev referred to as Cro-Magnon [2]. They were tall - (178 cm).
Newspaper "Vladimir My City» ¹ 52 June 2007
"Nature and the ancient people", p. 180, © Lazukov GI Gvozdover MD, Roginsky Ya Ya, Publishing House "Thought", 1981; Portal "Archaeology of Russia, 2005
Kharitonov VM, finds of fossil hominids in East Europe and adjacent regions of Asia
; Sunghir - excavations will be continued
; Dmitry Misiura. Sungirtsy: ancestors from the Upper Paleolithic / / "In the world of science" 2005 ¹ 3Ñóíãèðü

That's very English Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coordinates: 56 ° 10'33 "N 40 ° 30'33" E
Paleolithic burial of Sungir

Sungir is an Upper Paleolithic archaeological site in Russia, about 200 km east of Moscow. The site is approximately 28,000 to 30,000 years old and serves as a grave to an older man and two children. They were all adorned with elaborate grave goods that included ivory-beaded jewelry, clothing, and spears. The site is one of the earliest known ritual burials and evidence of the antiquity of human religious practices. It was discovered in 1955 and the site underwent excavations from 1957 to 1977. Most notably, Otto Bader excavated a Neanderthal femur that had been severed at the joints. The socket was filled with ocher-colored powder.

This is one of the oldest discovered records of modern Homo sapiens in Europe.
Nikolai Bader (ed.): Posdnepaleolitischeskoje posselenije Sungir, Nautschny Mir, Moscow; 272 pages.
External links
The Sunghir archaeological site ~ ladygin / sungir / index.html
Spiegel-online: Todeskampf der Flachk;pfe (German) This article relating to archaeology in Europe is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it

Further, in hundreds of Wikipedias, just a few mentions of them in more detail UkrainianÑóíãèð (Ukrainians richer Russian version)

interested Sunghir and Finns, as the region with at least the Neolithic hard (and wrongly) in the promotion associated with one of the Finno-Ugrians (Swedes three lines) ~ ladygin/sungir/findings/01-6.html (etnogenetika) ~ ladygin / sungir / dna / index.php

The history of open parking

When building a new brick factory near Vladimir in a highway in Nizhniy Novgorod (then - Gorky) in 1955 developed a clay quarry. Dredger AF Nachar picked up a bucket from the bottom with clay dice. Took them to the museum. The museum staff Vladislav Maslov said the find in Moscow head of the Central Russian archaeological expedition NN Voronin, who passed the information archaeologist, a specialist in the study of Stone Age Otto Nikolaevich Bader.

Archaeological Expedition, ON Bader began work in 1956. It was excavated about five thousand square meters. meter cultural layer at a depth of 2,7 - 3,5 meters. Specify the territory settlement of a few hectares.

Radiocarbon analysis conducted by a laboratory of the Institute of Geological Sciences, University Gronningena, Oxford, Arizona. The results indicate that the main settlement Sunghir existed from 20 thousand to 29 thousand years ago (Bryansk Interglacial; now identified and deeper layers). The earliest date obtained if the analysis of bone collagen from sungirskih burials - 26200 ± 640, and the latest - 19,160 ± 270. Parking there or regularly visited by people for 2 - 3 thousand years (Sukachev VN, Gromov VI, Bader O. Upper Paleolithic parking Sunghir. - M., 1966).

The number of people at a time lived in the parking lot, is defined by 50 people.

Nearby, at the high edge of the left bank Klyazminskoe ridges preserved ring of earth walls of the ancient Russian fortress 12_go century, based on the location of Slavic-Russian settlement 9_go 11_go centuries over the mouth of the ravine and bend Klyazma. Vladimir himself (Sunghir on its outskirts) - an important regional center of medieval Russia.

Features of the material culture of the inhabitants Sungirskoy parking point to its proximity of simultaneous culture of settlement in the Middle Don, including the famous Kostenko. Now study the monument continues ..

All-time excavation rich collection of archaeological finds, numbering over 68 thousand items. A significant part of the collection consists of flint flakes, rumble strips and nakovalenki cores needed to make a pile of guns, as well as various tools (knives, scrapers, scrapers, chisels, awls, dolotovidnye guns). Special care and treatment of different forms of perfection flint darts (triangular with slightly concave base and almond), covered with very fine retouch on both sides.

Sunghir gave a large number of products made of bone, horn and ivory (motyzhki, tip, rectifiers shafts, rods, guns, jewelry, figurines of animals), and high technology of their processing.

Sunghir brought worldwide fame finds unique tombs of ancient people. The richness and complexity of burial items burial ritual, they have no equal.

In 1964, a powerful layer of ocher (a red mineral paint) was discovered by a woman's skull (without the lower jaw and teeth), a large square stone, and below the skeleton of a man. The man lay on his back in the extended position, na shallow grave pit bottom, thickly strewn with ocher. On his chest was a suspension of pebbles, PA hands plate bracelets of mammoth tusk. Pa. man skull, along the arms and legs, lying in rows on the trunk of almost 3,5 thousand beads, once sewn on his fur clothing. The location of beads on a skeleton allowed to reconstruct the ancient costume embroidered with beads sungirtsa. He reminds the modern Arctic peoples clothes.

Richer burial was discovered in 1969, just 3 m from the first. At the top of the grave were buried human remains without a head. Next to them were dozens of beads, a ring of mammoth tusk, a pair of reindeer antlers, shell fossil mollusk chip mammoth tusk. Anthropological definition of findings is difficult due to very poor condition. Under the upper burial, half a meter deep, there were two children's bone.

Children's clothing, too, was embroidered with beads from a mammoth tusk (nearly 3,000 each) and arctic fox teeth, and PA chest bone fastened with pins. Children's ring of mammoth tusk, drilled teeth fox and bone pin with breast girls can be seen in the exhibition.

Skeletons sungirskih people carefully studied more than one generation of anthropologists. Already published several books on anthropology Sunghir. It was found that people were sungirtsy modern physical type (Homo sapiens). In sungirtsev notes polymorphism physical appearance and the absence of clear signs of racial geography.

Anthropologists have determined the age sungirtsev: the man was about 40 - 50 years old (it is assumed that the average life expectancy in the Upper Paleolithic around 30 years), the boy went 12-14, the girl went to 9.10. Paul buried now defined not only morphologically, but also the molecular-genetic (the younger the child no male Y chromosome) The true history of Russia / /

People buried in compliance with the complex funerary rites. Discovered a rich and varied material presents unique data on lifestyles, religious beliefs and rituals of our ancestors. Finds Sunghir brighter than other Paleolithic sites, suggest the existence of a 30_m millennium BC. er. Religion: animism, belief in an afterlife, totemism, magic, ancestor worship, worship the sun and moon, the lunar calendar and the arithmetic accounts "Bader O. Sunghir Upper Paleolithic parking. - Moscow: Nauka, 1978 ..

Gradually increased the number of ornaments to accompany the deceased. At each of the buried 25 - 28 thousand years ago, have an average 4 - 5000 beads, pendants, amulets and other ornaments, carefully and skillfully made of animal teeth, ivory and stone softwood.

Pair burial teen has a mirror structure. In the cultural layer from the other settlements in the Upper - Gagarin (the Upper Don, Voronezh reg.) - Found unfinished statue of a mammoth tusk, which depicts two human figures in a similar pose - contacting heads. Dual image associated with the Proto fertility cults, namely, the myths about twins - twin gods of Slavic Kupala and Globeflowers (brother and sister; Kupalo holiday celebrated on the night of 21 to 22 June). This ritual burial associated with the fertility cult

It remains an open question about the age of the burial. Radiokarbonovye dating of the burials today vary within 6000 years. And according to the archeology, the two tombs are of a single burial complex and are made in memory of one generation. Some dates indicate that the burial under a few thousand parking lay Archaeological data also inclines to the conclusion that the two tombs were made on the existing settlement. Such a strange difference in the dating may be due to either poor preservation of samples, or insufficient accuracy of the method. Work on the dating of settlements and burials are still going on.

2.3 Sungirsky people: an anthropological description of

Conducted on Sunghir studies provide valuable information about the science of appearance, chemical composition and diet of ancient man.

Work MB Mednikova allowed to talk about the similarities and the possible close relationship sungirskih men and children.

"The preliminary conclusion by Gerasimov sungirskomu man - Homo sapiens, Caucasian, 55 - 57 years. Height 176 - 177 cm Physically strong, muscular. At the hands of series of bracelets. Also from a mammoth tusk. Wide plates encircle the entire arm. On the right just above the elbow 3 row bracelet, left - 2 rows. On my feet too bracelets of mammoth tusk. Right and left of the thick band of ocher: at the feet, the hips (apparently accumulated in the folds of clothing). Between the legs and thighs rows of beads of ivory indicate traces of clothing, "Bader ON Paleolithic man from the northern limits of ecumene / / Nature, 1971. ¹ 5 ..

Renowned anthropologist MM Gerasimov has created sculptural portraits sungirtsev. Studies of people from Sunghir for over forty years were also anthropologists, GF Debets, V. Bunak, MM Gerasimov, EN Khrisanfova, AA Teeth, etc. In recent years, using new methods of paleoecological reconstruction, developed by the group of Physical Anthropology, Institute of Archaeology, RAS.

Skeleton of a man before the long bones of the extremities, very well-preserved bones of the hands and feet (and hooked capitate bone, all the metacarpal, proximal phalanx I-IV finger, middle phalanx IV-V fingers, 3 distal phalanx, both tarsal, all metatarsals, phalanges of both I finger), limb girdle, and very fragmentary remains of the axial skeleton. Of the spine sungirtsa survived only two cemented thoracic vertebrae, the total height of bodies which makes this tall neanthropines only 34 to 34 mm - 46 mm for each pair of adjacent vertebrae in the "middle" of the modern European.

EN Khrisanfova called the skeleton of an adult male one "of the most complete and representative finds of the European Upper Paleolithic man and considers him" chronologically, morphologically and taxonomically to the terms of the early Eastern neanthropines "Sukachev VN, Gromov VI, Bader O. Upper Paleolithic Parking Sunghir. - Moscow, 1966 .. In the constitutional respect, he represents a kind of Upper Paleolithic variant athletic. Has a high growth - about 180 cm length right clavicle male is 190 mm, which is significantly higher than the average for modern men. He has a very large absolute and relative width of the shoulders and clearly pronounced sexual dimorphism in the pelvic-shoulder ratios. Shirokoplechest was a feature of the population, it is typical for both children Sunghir. In general morphotype sungirskogo person is characterized by several features of the adaptive nature inherent in the Upper Paleolithic neanthropines Europe (modern humans).

According to studies, AP Buzhilovoy, MB Mednikova, MV Kozlovskaya, skeleton men harmoniously developed: he had trained the muscles responsible for the movement of hands, he would often lift weights. Sungirtsy actively walking and running, perhaps for quite long distances in search of hunting prey.

Sungirsky man had a great experience, requiring precise movements strengths of forearms. Most likely, it is made tools from stone. Significant expansion of nail phalanges of the hands, especially sharply on the left hand, testified about the working of hypertrophy of bone tissue. And "force" the use of (time) of the left hand combined with a more subtle, but require considerable physical effort movements right.

Both teenagers have been well developed physically. The boy is mainly engaged in hunting (for characteristic features, often metal spear). Scholars have noted his strong development of the bone relief of accession latissimus dorsi, subscapularis, and a big round coraco-shoulder muscles on the right. On the bones of lower limb muscle relief is more pronounced on the left side.

Girl predominantly engaged in manufacturing instruments and jewelry (most characteristic of her movement - drilling). In the analysis of pathologies of the researchers noted an asymmetric flatness of the articular surface of one of the cervical vertebrae at the girl. Perhaps she wore on the severity of the head. She has a rare feature: it femurs were sharply bent forward.

Carrying out chemical analysis of the mineral part of bone men of mature age with parking Sunghir showed overall moderate level of mineral density. Calcium concentration is moderate. In bone tissue revealed a moderate concentration of copper, indicating the absence of a significant quantity of his diet of invertebrates. This conclusion is supported by extremely low concentrations of cadmium, which is attributed to increasing consumption of tissues of marine arthropods and mollusks. Strontium content is relatively low and is caused by a small number of plants in the diet. Zinc content, an indicator of the meat component in the diet - from 100 to 150 ppm, typical for individuals in eating habits which included a large quantity of meat of terrestrial vertebrates, said that a large part of the diet that person was the meat of terrestrial vertebrates.

Mineral status of men, researchers have described as a normal, balanced. In the course of the last years of his life he did not experience long-term malnutrition, nor any problems associated with the pathologies of the digestive system.

The skeleton of a teenager discovering traces of the delay of growth processes, metabolic disorders, past infectious diseases. Perhaps these stresses and pathologies have been associated with malnutrition, caused violations of digestion.

Analysis of trace-element evidence of large specific part of plant foods, very high percentage of invertebrates and explicit lack of protein foods of animal origin.

Indicator of mineralization of bone girls higher than boys, and differed from normal. There are indications of a violation of mineral metabolism. Extremely high concentration of calcium indicates significant deviations from the normal process of bone mineralization.

The bulk of food (for zinc) was the meat of terrestrial vertebrates. Vegetable component was negligible (for strontium). Invertebrates do not occupy an important place in the diet (for cadmium and copper). Protein diet was not sufficient (for zinc). On the teeth of this individual revealed multiple enamel defects related to physiological stress in childhood.

The biggest spear from a single piece of ivory reaches 2,4 m. For its production technique was used straightening tusks.

Jewelry found at the upper and lower clothing, bracelets (behind the knees and above the foot), as well as solid rings on his fingers. It was found a necklace in the manufacture of beads in which the surface is treated so that adjacent beads arranged perpendicular to each other.

At the burial of girls and boys found three disks ritual purpose a few inches in diameter, made of mammoth tusk. Drives have four or eight slots coming from the periphery to the center hole and located opposite each other. One disc contains ten asymmetric with respect to the center of the slots. Bone disks were found on the head and body of the girl.

Discs of mammoth tusk contains geometric pattern, about which the VI Larichev, in particular, reports:

"The objects of art, combined with the symbolic records of astronomical calendar and content are highly information-intensive sources, the study of intellectual and spiritual spheres of life of Aboriginal people of northern Eurasia. They will appear at an early stage of the Upper Paleolithic (34 - 24 thousand years ago - syyskaya maltinskaya and culture of Siberia; Sunghir settlement - in the north of European Russia), are remarkable products of artistic creation to the early and late Middle Ages and retained up to the ethnographic present "Ibid. .

Items similar sungirskim discs occur in all periods of ancient and modern history mainly in relation to habitat of the Slavs. Drives and disks are geometrically divided into equal 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sectors, and are now typical of the Slavic characters. For example, 4_sektorny disk symbolizes God Horsa - an indication of the four key astronomical events: the spring equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox and winter solstice. 6_sektorny drive - Perunova wheel. 12_sektorny disc - a symbol of God's Christmas Carols (Calendar).

Sunghir symbol became "sungirskaya horse" - a small flat figure of a horse or a big-saiga from a mammoth tusk. The figurine was an amulet. It was worn on the chest as a talisman (rear leg has a hole for hanging). On both sides of the figure of the horse repeated the contour of the shallow drilled points. Number of points on the figure, five-fold, indicates familiarity with residents parking pyatirichnoy counting system. This confirms and ornamented with small dots disc of mammoth tusk. Number of points in each radius on it, including a central hole, also a multiple of five.

"Such a persistent (over hundreds of centuries!) Follow the same traditions of the information is easily explained - in such works of art capture the fundamental that should not be forgotten information about the temporal and spatial representations of the creators of preliterate cultures in human history. What is often perceived by archaeologists as samples of art or cult ritual, symbolic style objects is, in reality, the similarity of the canonized, the sacred nature "works", which means the images and characters recorded the most essential and hidden (sacred) from only known in nature and man, in relations between people and the world (time rhythms of economic and religious-ritual actions, the system of natural science and religious beliefs) Ibid ..

2.4 Features of the home, clothes and lessons sungirtsev
Remains 6_ti shalashevidnyh dwellings were found ON Bader during the excavations of 1956-1977 years. Dwellings were quite large, their size reached 10 - 15 meters in length. Researchers concluded that they were organized properly ground with wooden walls and roof of skins of animals. Each dwelling was required to maintain the focus of heat and cooking. Hearth and ochazhnye pit, place of bones and stone processing showed an established business.

The main craft sungirtsev is making jewelry. In the manufacture of beads, amulets, pendants and other ornaments used, engraving, drilling, polishing, staining.

"As the beads are fastened to each other? After drilling at a time (20 - 30 thousand years ago), as is stated in the literature, was not yet known. Garlands goes over his shoulder. Some beads are scattered here and lie to one side. It can be seen, looking at the funeral. But what is it? All the beads with a hole. Boring? Yes, on both sides. Traces of drilling stone borers perfectly visible. Hence, the drilling did not appear in the Neolithic, and even in the Paleolithic. And while not at the very end "(Alekseeva TI, Bader H. O. Homo sungirensis. Upper Paleolithic man: ecological and evolutionary aspects of research - Ed., Moscow: Scientific World, 2000)..

Processing technology that mammoth ivory is different "industrial" and is similar to the technology of producing beads of belemnites in Kostenki applied for the 20,000 years before that.

It was known sewing - sewing clothes made of animal skins. Tools and weapons were made of flint, bones of dead animals from the tree.

Found Clothing sungirtsev showed that the climatic conditions required her constant wearing.

On the boy's head, as well as men, were found beads and pendants with fangs fox, apparently, Headwear. Head girls covered free hat type hood, decorated with beads. At the top of the head boy found a ring of mammoth tusk, which is either fastened headgear or hair on his chest was found in the suspension as a horse, and under his left shoulder - a mammoth figurine. A long series of beads to form different from the beads on the body, was recorded under the pelvic bone boy.

Sunghir become an inexhaustible source of unique information about the Upper Paleolithic, remains that keep their secrets, reveal that only possible with the use of interdisciplinary approaches and test multiple hypotheses.
We can say that the goals set at the beginning of the course work have been met.

Alexeeva TI, Bader NO Homo sungirensis. Upper Paleolithic man: ecological and evolutionary aspects of research - Ed., Moscow: Scientific World, 2000.
Bader ON Sunghir Upper Paleolithic parking. - Moscow: Nauka, 1978.
NS Sofronov. Sunghir - to the Stone Age / /
At a depth of 70,000 years / / Culture ¹ 35, 08.10.2005.
Abramova 3. A. Paleolithic art in the USSR. 1962.
Catalogue "unique finds with parking Sunghir (Upper Palaeolithic) from the collection VSMZ» / /
The true history of Russia / /

Sunghir - one of the most important monuments, symbols of the real history of Russia. Symbols of the sun (disks with slots), then many thousands of years, repeated in ornaments Russian ethnic groups. Abundantly represented in folk art is now. From Sunghir goes on Russian soil honoring a horse, heroic spear. Along with other archaeological sites in Russia and neighboring countries, the richest clothing range Sunghir provides a solid foundation for the fundamental conclusions about the existence of ethnic traditions to a depth of tens of thousands of years.

This is substantiated and a prominent Russian scientist Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov in his book Ancient Slavic Paganism (1981)

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2. Attention given to this ancient book, to a certain extent prehistory of Slavic life, is justified by the fact that in the era of Kievan Rus is the "death gods", ousted from the national consciousness with new forms of Christian theology. The roots of the same all pagan ideas go to a remote prehistoric primitive state. Secondly, a special search was undertaken, "Depth of Memory" in order to identify from which the chronological depth of what stages of human thought or that images and ideas conveyed to folk art (stories, rituals, spells, ornament), applied ethnographers XIX - XX centuries.

3. Analysis of the depth of people's memory has led to some unexpected but very important conclusion: it seems that the evolution of religious beliefs was not a complete replacement of one form of others, and layering on the new old. Archaic representations that have arisen in the early stages of development, continued to exist, despite the fact that close to them (so to speak, and above them) have already formed new layers.

Excursions into remote primitiveness (Paleolithic, Mesolithic), were aimed not to recreate the entire volume of universal origins of religious beliefs, but only the timing and conditions for the nucleation of the surviving events that have survived in the folklore of the Slavic peoples until the XX century.

Identification of the chronological range of phenomena maenads and fixing its remnants, band, measured sometimes tens of thousands of years, can extrapolate this phenomenon to the entire chronological span.

4. By the primitive hunters of the Paleolithic and Mesolithic dates a number of elements of east Folklore: Nature conspiracies, conspiracies of evil (vampires), the image is surrounded by fire "hobotistogo" monster (mammoth?), The cult of the bear paw, a fabulous hero Bear Eyelet, poluchelovek-polumedved, heroes dressed in skins - all of it echo the Stone Age.

5. From the Paleolithic depth is likely, and the cult of Volos-V;lez, who survived a number of fundamental changes.

Should recognize the correct guess of linguists that this deity was identified with the bear. One might think that originally it was a deity of hunting prey, "the god of the dead animal, kept for a long time relationship with the world of the dead.

Hair was probably not the heavenly deity (the sky in the Palaeolithic did not play a special role, the human world was still flat), and quite worldly patron of brave hunters dressed in animal skins and likened to the animals on which they are attacked.

Ethnography many people know carnivals with the obligatory mask bears. In the eastern Slavs bearish masquerade was confined to the two solar phases: the first week after the winter solstice (new year) and on the day of the vernal equinox (Belarusian komoeditsy XIX century).. Those were the days of Veles Slavic pagan calendar.

In the Bronze Age at the time of pastoral migrations Hair-bear was the "god of cattle." With the name "Cattle God" Hair-Velez lived to Kievan Rus', but then the meaning of this phrase has already become different:

designated as the god of wealth.

6. Russian scholar Vladimir Monomakh era gave an interesting (and mostly true) periodization of ancient paganism: the original people sacrificed "vampires and Bereginja. This can be translated into the language of science as a dualistic animism, coaxing vampires and thanksgiving protects a Bereginja.

The second stage of this writer felt worship and Rod rozhanitsam.

Unfortunately, our scientific literature passed this important topic on the ancient deity plodovistosti and fertility did not reveal the ancient human roots of these attitudes and rozhanits mentioning only in passing as a minor household deities. The study showed that rozhanits had two, and that their matriarchal cult preceded the patriarchal culture Rhoda.

7. The Cult of the two rozhanits, goddesses, ensuring fertility and fertility, has passed two major stages: hunting and farming.

First we reconstruct the many myths of different hunting tribes. Time of occurrence of these game ideas are well documented Mesolithic burials shamans. Heavenly Hostess world presented poluzhenschinami-polulosihami; they were in the sky, identified with the two most important stellar benchmarks nosivshimi name elk and her calf: modern. Ursa Major (drevnerussk. Los) and Ursa Minor.

In relation to the hair Mesolithic rozhanitsy reflect a later stage game performances; the world has ceased to be a one-dimensional, earth and stratified into three tiers: the lower, underground and underwater (character - lizard), middle - and upper earth - heaven, a star.

Mistresses of the World - a mother and daughter - born all livestock animals, fish and birds, the necessary people.

8. Representations of the two Heavenly Hostess Indo-European art is well documented Chalcolithic farmers (some of them is the language the ancestors of the Slavs). Rozhanitsy agricultural era - Protecting the crop, provider of the heavenly moisture, rain. They sometimes remain the archaic look of deer or elk, as if floating in the sky in a rain flow; sometimes depicted as huge choirs, occupying the entire universe from the ground to the "upper sky". But the most common design in two rozhanits Eneolithic art of Central and Eastern Europe is a picture (on the principle of pars pro toto) four female breasts, is inextricably linked with the symbols of the supply of moisture, ie, again with the rain. This symbolism survives in the ornamentation of vessels to the middle Bronze Age, meeting in pre-Slav (tshinetskaya culture XV - XII centuries. BC. Er.).

9. Probably at the same time with the idea of two women in labor, inherited from the previous hunting era, the early farmers appeared and the idea of single female deity giving birth to the earth. It is possible that the image of the Great Mother comes from the Paleolithic Age, where he expresses the idea of fertility (stout Paleolithic "Venus"), primarily of men, multiplying the number of hunters increased productive power of the tribe. In the agricultural tribes of the Great Mother was conceived on the one hand, the cosmogony as the progenitor of the World, the mother of the gods and of all things, on the other - as Mother Earth, Mother-cheese-land and because of this - Protecting the crop. On Russian soil is reflected in the image of the goddess Mokos (sometimes - Mokosh) - the only female deity included Vladimir Saints in their pre-Christian pantheon.

Ma-kosh - "Mother of the crop, since the word" kosh "means:

wagon for the sheaves of grain basket, wicker barn for straw, cattle-pen.

Submission of a single deity, the mother and the two celestial rozhanitsah probably difficult intertwined, and not create a strict system.

10. Cult rozhanits from Russian documented, firstly, a large number of written medieval monuments, and secondly, such a mass source, as a peasant embroidery XVIII - XX centuries. Russian North.

In addition, the cult rozhanits accompanied by the annual ritual of sacrifice vazhenok deer: according to the legend of the woods resort Vazhenkov two (mother and daughter), one of them sacrificed.

Embroidery depict rozhanits such what they depict myths hunting tribes: women with branched elk or deer antlers, sometimes with chetyrehsoskovym udder. Anthropomorphic intertwined with zoomorphic. Rozhanitsy usually portrayed in the attitude of women with moved apart and knees bent legs. Sometimes embroidered around them head babies "olentsov small.

Not surprisingly, the clergy for six - seven centuries so sharply attacked the cult, which had so salacious props, like towels, nabozhniki to give birth elk-rozhanitsami.

Embroiderers gradually sought to encrypt the excessive naturalism of his laboring rozhanits and gave their bodies form a cross, a tree with outstretched branches, the "women-flowerpot," etc.

11. Numerous folk songs (Russian, Belarusian, Polish, Lithuanian, etc.) allow you to set the names of the two Slavic rozhanits: mother Lada ("Great Harmony") and her daughter - Lola. These are two of the goddess of spring-summer cycle, associated with the spring rebirth of nature, the beginning of field work, and later with the maturing crop and the summer solstice. Significant cycle of Slavic songs as the chorus contains an appeal to the Lada (in the vocative - Lado!). The Middle Ages knew sanctuary Ladas and Lelia (Poland, the area of the ancient "Venedskih Mountains"), referred to in the XV century.

Russian ritual of embroidery in its highest expression contains a fascinating three-part composition: in the center - the highest figure of a woman, which, obviously, should be interpreted as an image Mokos who represents the Mother-land of cheese. On both sides - two rider (Lada and Lola), sometimes equipped with plows for the seat, which leads us to the well-known folk motif of spring, riding on a golden plow. In such a composition with all the participants hands raised in prayer up to heaven. Towels with embroidery - obviously, props ceremony that accompanied the beginning of plowing. Another option is a three-part composition is dated in all probability, the day of the summer solstice (PAMC): the hands of participants dropped to the ground, where the crop matures, but the composition is generously filled with sun signs, it is natural for a holiday, during which "the sun is."

Ancient prototype of embroidery, depicting a woman with uplifted to the sky (the sun) hands and just surrounded by birds, as in embroidery, refers to the pre-Slavic territory to the VII century. BC. er.

12. Goddess Lada, widely known in the Slavic-Baltic areas can be compared with the Greek Summer (Cretan-Mycenaean Lato) and Italic Luton. Lada - the mother of Lelia; Leto - mother of Artemis and Apollo. Cult Years known since the XV century. BC. er. when this goddess took the pre-eminent place in Crete.

Greek Summer was born in the land of Hyperborean. Communication Summer Lato from northern Lada is unquestionable. It was probably the ancient Indo-European version of the cult two rozhanits survivor of various modifications to the Greco-Italic south and north of the Slavo-Balt.

Relationship with the goddess of the harvest festival is documented for Lato and the Delian Apollo, offering corn, and for Russian rozhanits the fact that the celebration and banquet in their honor was made on September 9, when it was harvested and threshed the new crop.

13. Significant turning point in man's relation to nature, in his world outlook and an understanding of the unknown forces that drive a new known by the world, occurred during the transition from agriculture to manufacturing the setter.

If the primitive hunter in the fight against wildlife is largely owed to himself, his dexterity, accuracy, courage and endurance, the farmer is dependent on the nature and above all from the sky, the sun, the rain. The sky with its luminaries for the hunter and to some extent for the cattleman was surprising pattern of order, system, uniformity and strict sequence. The sky is the farmer was unstable, irrational, nepredugadyvaemym. Bucket and drought could be replaced by ill-timed thunderstorms, rain or hail. Crop is only partly dependent on the efforts of the farmer while plowing and sowing, and after these operations, the plowman had to wait three months of rain, which could correspond to the optimal timing, and could radically disrupt the desired rhythm for the farmer irrigation of crops and to condemn the whole tribes of hunger.

Thus, even at the turn of the Stone Age, born idea of an omnipotent, terrible (from the "storm") and incomprehensible capricious gods of heaven, the will which life depended farmers. No fertility always benevolent earth, no effort plowman could not change this fatal situation. Identity of the person, group cohesiveness were suppressed need to wait passively identify the "will of God."

14. Farmers Chalcolithic IV - III millennium BC. er. (Among them were the ancestors of the Slavs, and language) developed his own system of representations, which is largely passed on to future generations.

Land, plowed and sown, likens a woman (or virgin), who has suffered in her womb. " Rain personified feeding women or snake creeping out in the rain. Over the sky, earth and rain dominated yet one God. and inherited from the Mesolithic two women rozhanitsy. The receptacles for the seed corn tripolian artist painted a picture of his understanding of the world: at the bottom of the earth (soil, without the underworld) with seeds in it and the plants on it, above - the sky with the sun, shown in motion in a continuous change in sunrise and sunset, and with stripes rain. Above it all, right at the neck of the vessel depicted (in the form of wavy or zigzag) reserves the celestial water, which provided rainfall. This world view is completely consistent with those reflected in the Rigveda: 1. Earth. 2. "The average sky" with luminaries. 3. "Upper sky" with water reserves. Corresponds to it and the Bible, which speaks of the "firmament" (the celestial dome), which separates the upper sky.

Along with the huge space in the faces of the divine rozhanits Tripoli art appear later earthly ritual scenes, such as dodoly (girls, dressed in a green branch), performing the sacred rain dance, known to us as the records of the Yugoslav ethnographers XIX - XX centuries.

15. Not a very long time settling pastoral tribes of Europe in the Bronze Age has made many changes in people's minds.

Parted outlook appeared grave structures - burial mounds, that seemed to imitate the apparent roundness of the earth. Calmly reviewed the sky, called attention to the group of stars (zodiac signs), on the motion of the sun and moon, the beginning of the calendar account from the obligatory note of four solar phases. One of the most interesting discoveries of the human mind was, perhaps, the geocentric theory, which existed before Copernicus: the sun moves across the sky during the day (pulled by horses or swans), and at night - an underground ocean on a swan or other waterfowl.

Significantly extends the cult of the sun, he is depicted in three positions: rising in the midday zenith and sunset, emphasizing the idea of movement. Dead in the grave laid vessels with an underground night sun ", with the sun at the bottom (the bottom side), the dead sun...

Of course, these conclusions apply to all Nostratic ethnic groups who gave a basis (at least for Haplogroups) the future of the well-known ethnic groups developed antiquity and the present time. But - obviously you can not deny the age-old and the ancestors of the Slavs.