The Biblical Truth - Preface

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In this book you will find:

Original comments on the Scriptural texts
Sensational revelations. Scandal exposures.
Search for the Truth. Destruction of dogmas.

The text is highly and sinfully ironical,
viciously sarcastic and
cynically straitforward.

Not recommended to children,
pregnant women, religious fanatics
and nervous people.

David Naydis


to Vera

Let true justice prevail, so you may live and occupy the land that the LORD your God is giving you.     Deuteronomy 16:20, New Living Translation

I searched everywhere, determined to find wisdom and to understand the reason for things. I was determined to prove to myself that wickedness is stupid and that foolishness is madness.   Ecclesiastes 7:25, New Living Translation


My highly respected readers, dear slaves of the Lord!

All we believe fervently in the Lord our God, the Almighty and Gracious King of the Universe. We attend His temples regularly, listen to the wise sermons of those who serve Him, and know the Scripture almost by heart.

We know quite well what great labour it was for Creator to make up this beautiful world in which all of us are so lucky to live and so unlucky to die.

We know everything or almost everything about the Fall of Adam and Eve and about their sons; Cain, Abel and Seth. We know that the people who lived before the Flood were, unlike us, too sinful, and thus the Good Lord decided to drown them without regret.

We've read all the biblical tales about the Great Flood, the righteous Noah, the floating zoo and the dove which notified Noah that the rainy season had ended, the grapes had ripened and the time to make wine had already come.

We're very indignant about Ham's obscenity and deeply touched by Shem and Yapheth's obedience.

We're also informed about the life and deeds of the Forefathers and Prophets Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the glorious rise of Joseph the all-comely and the humiliation of his cruel brothers.

We've also learnt that the Israelites, after the long time they spent in Egypt as slaves according to God's will, they were paternally cared for, and the Almighty took them out to the arid region for forty years, and how they helped themselves to manna and quails there.

We're aware that the Lord, as He had promised, brought His people to the Promise Land where milk and honey had been flowing before, and how successfully He used other peoples to reduce the number of His own one, - and how masterfully He sent His people to Babylon Exile some time later.

We know rather well the life, deeds and achievements of the biblical kings, prophets, martyrs and heroes. Moses, David, Solomon, Samuel, Elijah, Samson - all these and many other names from the Old Testament have been passed to us literally with mother's milk - obviuosly by the mother who had just returned from a church service.

The New Testament, the Gospels, life, prophecies, martyr's death and ressurection of Jesus Christ, the deeds of the Saint Apostles - all that we know as decently as the prayer "Our Father".

And if we don't know something we can always ask the wise and enlightened priests who are willing to give us a detailed account together with the relevant instructions...

But putting it mildly, do they always know everything themselves? And do they tell us everything they know? And what if they, God forbid, alter the text of the Holy Scripture by chance or on purpose? To put it roughly - what if they lie to us?.. Though I can swear - my hand on the Holy Bible - that I haven't any ground to charge God's servants with telling lies.

But I swear again, my hand still there, I have all reasons to say that a great deal of things we're told with such awe in churches, aren't there in the text of the Holy Scripture at all! But there's plenty of things that the well-informed people have witheld and denied from us.

So let us - with God's help! - try to find out what exactly is written in the Bible!

It's quite easy. We just have to read the texts attentively.

And think a bit. And make some deductions.

And make some very simple calculations.

And try to clear out the background. And then we'll see something very well.

That's what we'll see.

That God Yehovah is not the Creator and God of the Universe - not even of the planet Earth. Neither is He God to all the peoples who dwell or have ever dwelt the Earth. The Bible doesn't contain a single word on this subject!

Also - about the fact that God Yehovah created the first man on the Earth.

And that Satan seduced Eve under the guise of a serpent.

And that the forbidden fruit was an apple.

And that Angels are innocent.

And that the Flood lasted fourty days.

And that "Mary, also called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out" (Lucas 8:2) was a whore.

And that Jesus Christ and the Holy Disciples were strictly observant of the Ten Commandments, including "thou shall not steal!".

And not a word on the terms and order of the impending Second Coming of Christ, Doomsday and Harmageddon!

So I tell you, there's nothing to be afraid of! There has already been a Second Coming - and quite a long time ago. But nobody noticed it...

Christ's prophesy has already come true - if we remember that He told His Disciples that He was going to come shortly, and the Doomsday was near, so that they could face these happenings themselves. (Matthew 24:34, Marcus 13:4,30; Luke 9:27; 21:32)

Be careful, be attentive!

And this is what the Bible really says:

It is quite clear from the text of the Holy Scripture that those favoured by God - the Forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with all his twelve sons - were no righteous people at all, but confirmed sinners, liars, robbers, rascals. And the God Yehovah loved them dearly for that and chose them to be His people.

That the Lord had no moral right to burn down Sodom and Homorrah.

That the Israelites had never been slaves and lived in Egypt no more than one century, and on leaving Egypt their trip across the desert lasted no more than a couple of years. Four hundred years of slavery and four decades of roaming in the wilderness are just made-up - and that can be proven by the Bible itself!

That Moses was not only a great leader, but a greedy, merciless, bloody tyrant who had done away with hundreds of thousands of his tribesmen.

That David was not only a great king and commander but a desperate bandit.

That the rumours of Solomon's incompatible wisdom are considerably exaggerated.

That the great prophets Elijah and Elisha were neither obedient nor righteous - but they tortured prophets and killed children. (3 Kings 18:40; 4 Kings 2:24).

That the Son of God, the Achangel Satan, never acted against His Father's will, but only together with Him or following His instructions.

That Jesus Christ didn't descend directly from King David and was the Son of God not in the flesh but spiritually.

The Bible contains the names of Disciples - not twelve but fifteen.

Moreover - it contains the first written theory of racial and religious hatred!

It describes the word's first concentration camp of mass destruction! With its public executions, tortures, sterilisation of men and women...

The Holy Bible was the first to announce that War is Peace, Evil is Good, and Lie is Truth!

In ancient Palestine - with the help and direct involvement of the Good God - constant bloody wars seemed to have no end. The reason no doubt was peace settlement!

With God's help the glorious biblical characters robbed, tortured, burned and destroyed in many other ways hundreds and thousands of innocent people. And that became the ground for their righteousness! By doing wrong they were undoubtedly showing their good will!

On the pages of the Holy Bible, however shameful it could be, there are loads of false evidence under the guise of the Sacred Truth.

So a Bible oath is a doubtful one indeed.

The Biblical Truth is special, exalted, the truest Truth - but for some reason it doesn't have much to do with the ordinary, normal, worldly truth of man.

And this is that the author of both the preface and the comments is going to show you. Without God's help. But with the help of the very texts of the Scripture. Because the Bible exposes itself in a most convincing way.

Who if not me?..